Web Design - Customer Testimonials

We pride ourselves on providing a professional and cost effective web site design service to Tauranga clients, but don't take our word for it.

Here are a few of the sites we've designed, coded or maintain, and some of the feedback from our customers.

JeRo are quick & efficient yet also takes the time to explain to a non-website designer like me, in plain…
JeRo have been working with us for a number of years and manages to make things so easy to understand for this…
I have recently had JeRo design a client consultation booking page for my website. I found him to be most…
Radio on the web is the buzzword round broadcasting. And Kiss-FM needed someone with technical talent, a…
The Ecoshade Blinds website was a revamp of an existing site, with a fresh design and was implemented using…
Creative Space needed a website refresh and the ability to maintain all of their content, something that was…
Edenstone Luxury Stone Baths
Savvy HR
Leaf Box
Although the requirements for my website were a little unusual, Jeremy seemed to understand exactly what I…
It is with pleasure that I write a Testimonial for your service as a Website Developer, not only was your…