Web Design - Customer Testimonials

We pride ourselves on providing a professional and cost effective web site design service to Tauranga clients, but don't take our word for it.

Here are a few of the sites we've designed, coded or maintain, and some of the feedback from our customers.

Successful Networking website built using Concrete CMS version 9.
We were contacted by Floorsafe NZ because their existing website wasn't working correctly. They were…
JeRo Internet Engineering is a company we have used for the last 8 years now. Having had previous websites…
We were contracted by Smith Design to develop the Cabana Build website to their design
A One Blinds needed to update their website, which we did using concrete5 CMS
Daytrippers came to us via a word of mouth referral from an existing client. They had already developed their…
JeRo Internet Engineering made it a piece of cake to build my website and then be able to manage it without…
JeRo helped make an AWESOME website for my business, which I can easily update myself. I am very grateful for…
I found JeRo whilst searching the web for someone to re-build a web site that had we designed ourselves and…
JeRo did a great job building the website we required. We are now visible on the internet! JeRo is quick to…
Huge thanks to JeRo for creating a simple cost effective website that we can manage ourselves.
Word of mouth is a powerful tool in any industry and after JeRo was recommended to us by a friend we can only…